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19 November 2011

Chicagoland by night

After presenting today and attending a few panels, it was completely dark when I left the hotel. I decided to seize the opportunity to take some night photographs of Chicago. I absolutely suck at night photography because I can't ever seem to get my settings right. But, I gave it the ol' college try and I'm pretty pleased with the results. Some are certainly better than others, but I'm happy overall. 

Yes, please. A slice as big as my hand ... 
The Bean at night.

This is probably my favorite. 

The next few are all taken at Millennium Park. There are these two towers that are all glass bricks that are illuminated from the inside. On one side they project faces that are all a part of a water feature in warmer weather. Given that it is hellaciously cold, the water feature has been turned off. But the faces and lights are still on. I love how they change color regularly and how the light plays in the glass bricks. I think I'm going to get all of these enlarged and place them all together on my wall in frames. Wouldn't that be awesome?

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