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10 June 2012

A funny thing happened this weekend ...

The Better Half of MFMC and I went to the Sea Witch on Friday night for dinner. They had live music (which was surprisingly awesome) and drinks (in plastic cups ... which I disapproved of) and decent grub.  While there, we "checked in" on Fb, as we often do when we hang out together. Shortly after our check-in, one of my former students from NY (who is now a college graduate) commented that her father was currently at the same location. I thought it was a little odd and perhaps a mistake, so I asked her what they were wearing. After some messaging back and forth, I realized that her family was sitting directly behind us. It was pretty hysterical and quite odd to run into the family of a former student more that 700 miles away from the town where I taught said student.

I overcame my social anxiety and walked over to introduce myself. I was quite proud of myself. :)

The band

Apparently, wrapping plan trees in lights is pretty common in southern beach towns. 

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