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15 April 2007

Why I Need to Live in the 19th Century, Or I want to be a Mob Wife -- A Post for Aaron

I want to marry into the Mob.

I could totally deal with a husband who has a gumar ... as long as I was well taken care of. Very well taken care of.

Hell, I would settle for being the gumar.

Sparkly rings, nice cars, expensive designer clothes, beautiful homes ... I could live that life.

Sure there is crime and murder and illegal dealings, but doesn't that really describe much of American life anyway?

I am totally okay with being the woman belonging to a made man. The respect and authority ... power is sexy.

As you may know, I don't fit the traditional mode of the modern 21st Century woman. I am anything but a feminist. In fact, I prefer the modes of the 19th Century.

I like doors held open for me. I like men to pay the bill. I like gifts that I can wear on my body and feet. I like my man to order my food for me. I like to be pampered and spoiled and treated like a princess. I am okay with being a house "wife," playing tennis all day and shopping in expensive boutiques. I'd be okay with a weekly allowance ... a LARGE weekly allowance.

I think this may be the root of my desire to study the 19th Century's literature. And my desire to be a kept woman. And my desire to marry (or, more accurately, spend a large portion of my life) with a wealthy, powerful man.

Besides, I'm not afraid guns.
Not even big ones.

1 comment:

Veace said...

This post upsets me, MaryBeth. But isn't Tony Soprano totally sexy?


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