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14 November 2007

The sweet smell of decay

Just when the world was starting to blister and tear my shoulders, a simple fragrance lifted it up and cleared all of my worries away ... even if only for a little while.

Today, driving down the road in the bright sunshine with the windows down, the wind blowing in the sweet smell of autumn leaves decomposing on the leaf-littered ground made me happy and content with everything that has been weighing on me. It made me think of home. Of crisp, happy New York autumns of days gone passed. Of jumping in piles of leaves and having leaf fights. Of watching the hillsides come ablaze in supernatural colors. Of younger days when it was perfectly acceptable (and expected) to be carefree.

It's a smell that means "home."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt similarly... the sky was bright, the leaves were falling and it was warm enough to imagine they were falling in New England... the colors of the red golden yellows and som,e still green mulching sweet in a stillness. It seemed like the most quiet and perfect day I had experienced here forever... i think it was because of that hell summer...it all seemed the sweeter.


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