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01 November 2010

Halloween? No, thank you. Pass.

Reader Warning: Judgmental Language below

I normally love holidays. L-O-V-E holidays. Any excuse to be festive and fun, I'm there.  With one exception: Halloween.  I never really enjoyed the holiday, even when I was younger. Now that I'm older, it's just flat out annoying.

As a teen and as an adult I've never been big on how girls and women approach Halloween. For most of the female species (and, yes, we are a total separate species!), Halloween is National Dress Like a Ho Day. Normal costumes -- superheroes, witches, pirates, cops, you name it -- are suddenly only appropriate when they are preceded by "sexy." Huh? Why is it okay for girls and women to dress is such inappropriate clothing on Halloween? I completely understand the whole bit about Halloween being about exploring your wild side and alter ego. But is your wild side a really a ho? Because that's what so many girls and women dress like on Halloween. Not all, mind you, and I am thankful to the small minority. But still, I just don't get it.

I love seeing my students dress up in creative costumes, and I love the pics of my friends babies in adorable getups. But when it comes to trick or treating, I turn off my lights and pretend I'm not home. I find the whole holiday annoying and I really want nothing to do with it.

Does this mean I am turning into a scrooge?


Clix said...

Well... dressing provocatively and behaving promiscuously aren't interchangeable. I think it's normal to want to be sexually attractive, but under normal circumstances, women who display that attractiveness are also assumed to be making themselves sexually available - an assumption which annoys me quite a bit.

Halloween lessens the stigma just a little.

Unknown said...

I agree. Appearance and behavior are completely different things. I guess my frustration stems from the idea that to be sexually attractive women think that they must wear short skirts, low cut blouses, and fishnet stockings (no dig on the fishnets because I own a few pair myself!). So many women fail to realize that their real attractiveness and power stems from their self confidence and poise. But maybe that's just me being old school.


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