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15 October 2012

Fall at the Farmers' Market

I advise the "green" club at school, and last week we all piled into a van and went to the NC Farmers' Market together. The weather was a little colder than I would have liked, but, even on a Tuesday afternoon, the Farmers' Market had lots of goodies!

Indian corn! Or is it Native American corn? What is the right thing to call it these days?
My group with some rather large pumpkins. 
The purveyor of these pumpkins is clearly a mathematical person.
Look at those orderly lines!
I love gourds and tiny little pumpkins!
All these pumpkins make me want to bake a pie!
Imagine the pumpkins seeds I could roast with all these!!

The trip also proved to be quite "fruitful." I finished most of my produce shopping for the week while we were there. I picked up shallots, apples, onions, acorn squash, and a few other necessities for just $15! I love the Farmers' Market!

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