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19 November 2008

Leave of Absence

Because my blog is becoming increasingly depressive and whiny, I've decided that I'm not going to blog anymore unless it is happy and good. I figure that I'm simply depressing my already small audience, and there's enough crap in the world out there. So, if something great happens (like the wine tour this weekend with The Boy for his birthday), I'll post. Otherwise, I'm out...


Scarlett said...

I completely understand your leave of abscence of writing about being down...but please don't feel like you have to not blog what you are feeling. That is what blogs are for to get out the frustrations, etc. If you hadn't posted I wouldn't know you are having a rough time and wouldn't be praying for you and your mental health/well being as much as I have...because I wouldn't have known. Keep your spirits up and you will get through this bump in your road. From the little time I have known you I know you are a strong, confident woman and you will get back on the track you are meant to be on.

Take care, love!

Kia or Tilly (depending on where we met) said...

I get busy for like a week and a half and come to your blog to read about life falling apart at the seams. It totally sucks. I think I have been fighting off this feeling for awhile, and I must say that visiting you definitely renewed my fighting-off capabilities. Sorry things are shitty right now. This is pretty much how I felt when I left Greensboro. And I ain't looked back since (well, with school anyway). I'm here if you need me :)


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