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20 October 2009

A Walk in the Woods

On Sunday, the coldest day so far this year, The Boy decided that it was "Family Hike Day." We packed on our cold weather gear, saddled up Bailey, and headed out into the woods. It was COLD!! Even for a New Yorker!! It got a little warmer as we walked, but I think that was mainly due to the hiking up and down the trails. It was a nice walk, but I was happy to get home and take a hot shower. It was kinda nice that I got to finally wear my hats and gloves though!

The COOOOOLD woods ...

I liked all the trees with holes!!!

A peaceful bridge.

We found this random tree limb that made for good posing.

Yeah for hats and gloves!!
I just wish they worked better with warm weather.

Aren't we the happiest couple ever?

I hope it doesn't get any colder, but I'm pretty sure it will.

Hopefully, the next pictures that I share will be from Spain!!!!!

1 comment:

Kirsten Oliphant said...

Maybe the second happiest couple... :)


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