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01 January 2013

Obligatory New Year's post ...

... complete with resolutions!

2012, while filled with stresses of unique varieties, was a pretty damn good year. I started off 2012 after making some significant life changes in the fall of 2011, and, in spite of the new road I was on -- or maybe because of it -- I had some pretty great experiences. I've felt better about my family and my daily living in 2012, and, most significantly, I met and fell in love with JD. And, here we are, six months later, living in a new house with our blended family of three four-legged kids. I spent about five weeks with my 9-year-old niece and that was an amazingly challenging and rewarding experience. Despite some significant set-backs, I've made good progress on my dissertation. And now 2013 has arrived and, hopefully, it will be an even better year!

Of course each new year warrants new resolutions to -- hopefully -- help me improve myself. So, as tradition dictates, here goes ...

First, and most importantly, I will finish my dissertation. No ifs, ands, or buts. It's gotta get done. By this time next year, I should be prepping myself for my oral defense. Because that won't be stressful or anything.

Second, I need to lose the "happy" weight I've gained in the last six months or so. I fully blame JD for this 14-ish-pound weight gain, but it could also have something to do with the stress in my life and that I often eat for comfort. I need to get back on the exercise and eating well bandwagon. It's worked before for me, and it needs to happen again.

Third, I'm going to focus on letting go of control in the coming year. I'm not sure how to accomplish this, but that's all part of the process, right? Due to my strong Type A personality, I like to control everything around me. I like things done my way because my way is best, right? Obviously, this creates problems, especially when asking -- or allowing -- for others to help me. I think I'll be happier overall if I learn to let go of my compulsive need for control. Which brings me to my fourth resolution ...

Fourth, I need to learn to relax. I let stress and anxiety control my mind far too much which doesn't allow me peaceful sleep or quality relaxation time. I've already started working on this resolution, but it definitely needs more attention. Hopefully, by the end of 2013, I'll be able to truly relax in my down time. Right now when I have down time, I just think about everything I need to do as soon as my down time is over.

So here's to 2013! Hopefully it will bring me as much good as 2012!

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