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20 July 2008

Birthday reflections

The birthday weekend has come to an end, and it was not too shabby. It was actually rather fun!

On Friday night, The Boy took me to see Hellboy II. We were going to go see Dark Night, but we knew that everyone and their uncle would be there. We had a lot of fun. We snuck some beers in and had beer and popcorn and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Good times, good times.

Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market and loaded up on fresh produce. Groceries were next, followed by a THREE HOUR NAP! That was absolutely marvelous. When I woke up, The Boy had made my birthday meal -- lobster and champagne -- ready and then we headed to Tate St. to watch Marty and Liz (and the rest of their band) play their farewell concert. After the first set, MealyMel, her Bloke and we all went to Christie's to celebrate my birthday. A very fun night, indeed!

Today was sleeping in late, Mass, studying, and hanging out with The Boy. I had no real responsibilities all weekend, and it was pretty fantastic.

Happy birthday to me!

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