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08 July 2008

Houston, we have dates.

I got the okay for my comps exams today. Here's what it looks like:

October 27th - 9am-1pm - 19th Century American
October 29th - 12-3pm - 20th Century American
October 31st - 9am-12pm - Literacy and English Education

I plan to take my orals on November 11th.

With any luck, Thanksgiving will truly be a time of thanks-giving (and Halloween will be nothing but a hazy, boozy memory!)

I'm not sure how I feel about having concrete dates. I think it makes it more real and far more terrifying.

1 comment:

X said...


You're almost there!!! Yay for you!

I know it's stressful, so it probably doesn't feel like a "Yay," so know I will offer morale support at any time. :)

p.s. How in the world does that "pick your shade" foundation work? It seems like the makeup would separate or come out splotchy. Hmmmm......

p.p.s. Iron Man was REALLY good -- a little heavy on the "terrorist" slant, but it had to be for the crux of the story. RD Jr. was fabulous -- LOVE him now!


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