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21 July 2009

It's official ... I'm old.

I woke up today as a 29 year old. Yes, yesterday was my birthday, but, given that I was born at 11:30 at night, today is my first day as an old woman. I know that 29 isn't all that bad, but 30 is just around the corner and THAT is a scary number for me.


But I think 29 is going to be a good year. I've got a new job in a new city with a new house and some wonderful new opportunities. For the first time in a long time, I'm excited about the future. (Not that I've been bleak about the future, but, come on now, let's be serious. Grad school is a long, dark path with only a faint light at the end of the tunnel!) So, I'm looking forward to the coming months.

So, while old-people birthdays are lackluster, new opportunities and experiences are exciting!!

1 comment:

MealyMel said...

Okay, seriously. I'm 32. Do I seem that old to you? :)

Besides, you saw the funness that was my 30th birthday. Hell, you hosted the funness that was my 30th birthday.

The say 30's is the new 20. Whatever. My point being, it's painless.


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