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15 April 2008

Turns out, I suck

A few weeks ago, I submitted some sample responses to Dr. 20th Century (Sorry. I am too jaded to think up a clever name for him) after he requested that I write "a few (relatively informal) pages on each and see what you can come up with?" So I did. I wrote about 2-3 pages on each question and submitted them for his review. I sent them to him about a month ago and he responded today. Basically, he ripped me to shreds. He told me that "they do not demonstrate a level of intellectual analysis, synthesis, or critical rigor appropriate to a doctoral examination." My responses were too brief, too general, not analytical enough, and, well, not PhD level obviously. I didn't discuss poetry as an "art" and didn't focus on Eliot enough. Way to go me! My bad. I thought he wanted informal responses and told me in the meeting that he wanted me to jot down general ideas and thoughts. I'm sorry but when someone uses the term "jot down," I automatically assume that extensive revision isn't required. Clearly, I was wrong. According to him, "Anytime you turn something into a committee member—especially doctoral work—it should be at least minimally polished and well-revised." Well, then don't tell me to "jot" some ideas down.

All that said, I now feel like I don't even belong here. Just when I was going full steam ahead, the wind is completely taken out of my sails. I am seriously questioning my intelligence and desire to finish this whole thing. I feel like a friggin' idiot. And now one of my committee members thinks that I'm an idiot as well. Great.


X said...

Okay, you do NOT suck! First off, Dr. 20th used faulty rhetoric -- if he expected true "sample" responses, he should have told you so! Secondly, ripping you to shreds is just not cool and was unnecessary.

SO, here is what I recommend:

Put this out of your mind. You know that those essays weren't your best work, therefore, you know that you CAN and WILL meet Dr. 20th's expectations!

Go on vacation -- unwind and have a wonderful time.

Come back refreshed and ready to go. And you'll be fine. I also keep reminding myself (because when I read sample questions I freeze up and I'm not even able to attempt answering them yet!) that people have to retake questions all the time... we just don't hear about them!!

Do not let him make you feel bad -- his opinion does not matter. You know who you are; God knows who you are, and that's all you need -- I got that from church this weekend, and it's serving me well! :)

MealyMel said...

Okay. You win.

I'll remember to tell the 3/4 of my committee I'm meeting with this Friday that I love them, and the other 1/4 next week (or whenever I have to meet with him).

Kirsten Oliphant said...

Ick. I hate that kind of crap. I want to say something funny and rude to Dr. Poopypants, but I'm trying to have a godly attitude. :) MB, don't let this "person's" miscommunication about an assignment lead you to doubt your classy doctoral brains. K? K.

Kia or Tilly (depending on where we met) said...

Ditto everyone else. He sucks (as do his instructions); not you. You are totally awesome.


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