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15 August 2010

Sunday's Productivity

First, I apologize for all the whining yesterday. It's out of my system (for now) and today has been much better.

Second, today has been a pretty great. I actually woke up before the alarm (which was set for 8:30 so I guess it isn't that great of a feat!) and got ready to go to mass. I attended the 10:30 and Father Dan delivered a wonderful homily. Today is the Feast of the Assumption and his homily focused on why this day was made holy. It was very inspiring and made me think about my own relationship with The Blessed Mother and how I should make her a greater part of my daily and spiritual life. I really enjoy Father Dan's homilies because he is so intelligent and well read. He really puts a lot of thought and consideration into his weekly homilies. And its always nice to leave church feeling inspired and rejuvenated.

After mass I headed home to tackle the house. It has been in need of a good scrubbing and a bit of reorganization. So that is what I did. I did all of the laundry, organized and straightened the office, cleaned all of the floors, took care of the patio and all of the plants, repotted the orchids into more stable containers, and hung a few pics on the wall. It only took about five hours! And now I'm relaxing ...

I've been rather productive today, and I'm proud of myself. I'm planning on getting up early tomorrow to do some cardio before school. I'm really going to try to get into a nice workout-work-dissertation routine. We'll see how that goes ... I'm going to take it one day at a time.

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